Romanian Prospects
Foundation “Romanian Prospects”
Romanian Prospects is a Romanian-Dutch, non-profit organization, founded and funded by Dutch initiators. Currently, the Romanian Prospects Foundation offers two main programs, for:
1. supporting young people (girls and boys) phasing out of the child protection system, who are now in difficulty, by helping them to reach socio-professional integration, skills development and building an independent life
2. supporting students who do not have financial possibilities and / or face social difficulties to follow and complete the first form of higher education
Support for youngsters in difficulty
• Are you between 18 and 25 years old?
• Did you live in a foster home? Are you going to leave a foster home and have no support when you leave?
• Do you benefit or have you benefited from a special protection measures (placement center, maternity care, foster family)?
• Are you in a difficult situation and face social marginalization (without family support, without shelter, without income or other situation of vulnerability)?
We can help you!

Support for students
• Are you between 18 and 25 years old?
• Do you live in Sibiu?
• Are you attending or do you want to attend a Faculty in Sibiu?
• Have you not already graduated from a Faculty?
• Are you in a difficult financial and / or social situation that prevents you from starting or continuing your university studies?
• Do you really want to attend a Faculty but can’t afford it financially and / or socially?
We can help you!
About us
Romanian Prospects Foundation is accredited as a provider of social services, headquarter in Sibiu and has the fiscal identification code: 25268239.
The Romanian Prospects Foundation is also recognized by the Dutch tax authorities as a non-profit organization (ANBI: Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen).
Our program is
Monday – Friday: 9:00 to 17:00
you can call us using the numbers below